3 Books I Recommend

Nablopomo Day 17.

Today I am going to share with you guys three books that I have enjoyed reading in the past. These books are stand alone books and are awesome if you want to just go on an awesome journey in a book but don’t feel like being committed to a series of books. It could also go the other way around, if you just finished an awesome series and don’t know what to read next, check these ones out next!

I am so horrible at doing book reviews because I really don’t want to spoil any of the things that happen, I’ll do my best.

Paper Towns by John Green

This book is really hard for me to tell you guys about because I really don’t want to spoil anything. I love this book so much and think that it was so relatable.  It is basically about this girl who goes leaves but ends up leaving clues as to where she went that this boy, Q figures out. This book is a combination of a mystery and a coming of age story and a little hint of love. I think that it is so well written and I love the journey and the meaning behind “Paper Towns”. If I were to re-read a book, it would be this one.

13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher

Hannah leaves a series of 13 tapes with each one a reason why she decided to end her life. Each of the tapes was for someone in her life. Once that person listened to their tape they were to hand off the tapes to the next person. The story was told in a really touching and different way. It was a really quick read because I was so engrossed in it because of they way it was told, you just want to keep reading to find out what happened. I really loved reading this book a lot.

It’s Kind of a Funny Story by Ned Vizzini

This book is really worth the read. It is actually one of the books that I got my boyfriend to successfully read (he’s not a reader like me) but he loved it. A boy named Craig is struggling with depression and after a suicide attempt he spends some time in the mental ward of a hospital and learns about not only the people around him but himself.